Unable to sync social media accounts to your Irvinei app?

Are you facing trouble linking your Facebook or Instagram accounts with your irvinei app? Here are quick solutions to common problems:

Check Your Internet Connection:

Issue: Poor or no internet connection can affect the process of linking social media accounts to the irvinei app.

Solution: Ensure a stable internet connection and then  retry linking the account.

Update the App:

Issue: Sometimes outdated version of application can cause issues with linking of the accounts..

Solution: Make sure to always update to the latest version of the irvinei app from the App Store or Google Play.

Verify Social Media Credentials:

Issue: It may be possible that you are trying to login with incorrect login credentials to facebook/instagram.

Solution: Double-check Facebook and Instagram credentials before linking.

Account Linking Limitations:

Issue: The number of accounts you can sync with the app depends upon the subscription plan. It maybe possible that you have already synced maximum number of social media accounts.

Solution: Ensure you’re within the maximum allowed account connections. For further details visit what to know section of social media integration part in support section of the website.

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