Unable to sync social media accounts to your Irvinei app?

Are you facing trouble linking your Facebook or Instagram accounts with your irvinei app? Here are quick solutions to common problems: Check Your Internet Connection: Issue: Poor or no internet connection can affect the process of linking social media accounts to the irvinei app. Solution: Ensure a stable internet connection and then  retry linking the […]

How to sync social media accounts in Irvinei app?

Irvinei let’s you sync your social media accounts with the system so that it’s easier for you to identify your guests with their name and their social media profile picture. Here’s how it works:

What is social media sync in Irvinei app?

Recognize Your Social Media Friends at the Door Irvinei doesn’t just show you who’s ringing your doorbell, it can recognize who’s at the door by their names if they are your social media friends. Connect Your Accounts: You can link your Facebook and Instagram accounts to the Irvinei app and Irvinei will then recognize any […]

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