Unable to receive AI notifications?

Learn the top reasons why your irvinei app may be stopped sending you AI notifications and their possible solutions. Things to check Disabled Notifications Check your notifications settings of the device mode which is currently active. It may be the case that all of the notifications are uncheck/disabled for that device mode. Livestream not working […]

How to enable/disable AI alerts?

The AI Alerts feature utilizes AI to promptly identify security threats from doorbell camera and any external cameras added by users in their irvinei app, and send instant alerts to users. You can enable or disable any of the available AI alerts to get notifications based on your own preference. Here is how you can […]

AI alerts in Irvinei app

In the Irvinei app, AI Alerts play a crucial role in enhancing home security by leveraging artificial intelligence for real-time threat detection. The AI Security Alerts feature utilizes AI to promptly identify security threats from doorbell camera and any external cameras added by users in their irvinei app, and send instant alerts to users. Among […]

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